Markup Include

Best Practices


The Markup Include visualization allows you to add an existing SSI into a Data Visualization dashboard.  This was created so that textual information and imagery can be added to a dashboard, independent of the data that the dashboard is created from.  Design elements can be added this way as well.

This element can be used to help the page user understand how to interact with the dashboard or interpret it.  These elements are best applied to subsections of the dashboard needing context or overall dashboard guidance.  If a single data visualization needs subtext, that can be added within the data visualization itself.

Note: Markup Include can currently only be used within a dashboard.  Purpose-built single-use or reusable WCMS modules like a Text Box Module or an Image Module should be used as a stand-alone element on a page if a data visualization dashboard is not being used.

Go to examples at the bottom of this page to see some of the possible options.

Screen Capture of a WCMS SSI Module that was added into a Markup Include Data Visualization

1. Title

This title is added in the Data Visualization Editor for the Markup Include.  Its color can also be selected independently of the site template colors.

2. Added Element

Much like any WYSIWYG text element in the WCMS, you can “Add Element” from the “Insert” dropdown.  This can be used to add any of the allowed imagery or design elements.

3. Text

The WYSIWYG editor will allow you to add any text with supported customizations.


Markup Includes in the Data Visualization Editor are used to add textual, imagery, or design elements into a dashboard independent of the data being input.
  • When a static set of text or visuals is required
  • To enhance the overall communication of the dashboard

Don’t Use:

  • As a stand alone page element
  • If a Data Bite static or variable image could be used with data

Other Guidance

  • Markup Include Title:  Good titles are helpful to the page user. However, consider if one is necessary visually or structurally for your dashboard.
  • Customization:  Keep the style choices for your Markup Include simple.  Not all style choices will render exactly the way you created it in the SSI.
  • Visual Clutter:  Select the cleanest layout possible.  If an image or a graphic isn’t needed, don’t add one.
  • Other Modules:  It may be better to simply add a row of modules before or after the dashboard to share insight or additional information instead of adding a Markup Include inside the dashboard.

Top of the Page


Below are some examples of Markup Includes.  Each example shows a different way visual information can be arranged through different layouts.

Dynamic Markup Includes

Using the “Inline HTML” option of the Content Editor panel, you can set variables and insert them into your markup text. You must assign a dataset to the markup in order for this to work.

In the example below, change the state dropdown or click on the map and watch how the markup text changes.