Standard Slider: Short Timeline

Short Timeline Tips & Tricks:
  • You have the option to link each slide to a content page that expands upon the key message you are highlighting.
  • Avoid having other components that use large images so your page doesn’t look too busy.
  • If you want to do a lengthier timeline, check out our timeline module.
Key Links
Sample image

Duis nunc magna, blandit ac vulputate et, accumsan ut ipsum. Nulla hendrerit urna sed gravida porttitor:

Key Links
Sample image

Duis nunc magna, blandit ac vulputate et, accumsan ut ipsum. Nulla hendrerit urna sed gravida porttitor:

Key Links
Sample image

Duis nunc magna, blandit ac vulputate et, accumsan ut ipsum. Nulla hendrerit urna sed gravida porttitor: