Rates* of reported cases of acute Hepatitis C virus infection, by sex — United States, 2006–2021

Figure 3.5 – Acute – Case Rates by Sex
Rates* of reported cases† of acute Hepatitis C virus infection, by sex — United States, 2006–2021

Source: CDC, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.
* Rates per 100,000 population. Beginning in 2021, single-race population estimates are used for rate calculations. For prior years, bridged-race population estimates are used.
† Reported confirmed cases. For the case definition, see Acute Hepatitis C.

The increase in rates of reported cases of acute hepatitis C since 2010 has been observed among both males and females. During 2021, the rate of reported acute hepatitis C was 2.1 cases per 100,000 population among males (almost 7 times the corresponding rate during 2010). The rate among females remained at 1.0 cases per 100,000 population since 2018, yet remains approximately 3 times the rate during 2010.

Hepatitis C Figures and Tables