Number and rate* of newly reported cases of chronic hepatitis C virus infection, by demographic characteristics — United States, 2020

Table 3.6 – Chronic – Case Rates by Demographics
Number and rate* of newly reported cases† of chronic hepatitis C virus infection, by demographic characteristics — United States, 2020
Table 2.2.
Characteristics No. Rate*
Total § 107,300 40.7
Age (yrs)
0-19 718 1.1
20-29 16,026 45
30-39 26,194 73.6
40-49 16,415 51.2
50-59 18,474 54.4
≥60 23,242 37.3
Male 68,561 52.9
Female 38,283 28.6
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,443 66.8
Asian/Pacific Islander 619 3.6
Black, non-Hispanic 9,084 25.9
White, non-Hispanic 43,288 26.3
Hispanic 3,954 9
Urban 82,577 36.4
Rural 20,944 57.3
HHS Region: Regional Office #
Region 1: Boston 4,082 29.6
Region 2: New York 7,337 26
Region 3: Philadelphia 15,881 54.4
Region 4: Atlanta 29,890 57
Region 5: Chicago 14,591 31.9
Region 6: Dallas 9,788 71.1
Region 7: Kansas City 6,639 46.9
Region 8: Denver 4,328 35
Region 9: San Francisco 8,717 22.1
Region 10: Seattle 6,047 41.7

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Source: CDC, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.

* Rates per 100,000 population.

† Reported confirmed cases. For the case definition, see Chronic Hepatitis C.

§ Numbers reported in each category may not add up to the total number of reported cases in a year due to cases with missing data or, in the case of race/ethnicity, cases categorized as “Other”.

¶ Urbanicity was categorized according to the 2013 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) urban-rural classification scheme for counties and county-equivalent entities. Large central metro, large fringe metro, medium metro, and small metro counties were grouped as urban. Micropolitan and noncore counties were grouped as rural.

** US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Regions were categorized according to the grouping of states and US territories assigned under each of the ten Department of Health and Human Services regional offices. For the purposes of this report, regions with US territories (Region 2 and Region 9) contain data from states only.

During 2020, the rates of newly reported chronic hepatitis C were highest among persons aged 30– 39 years, males, American Indian/Alaska Native persons, those living in rural areas, and persons in US Department of Health and Human Services Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). Among all cases of chronic hepatitis C newly reported during 2020, 26% occurred among persons aged 30–39 years, 64% occurred among males, and 80% occurred in urban areas. Race/ethnicity information was only available for 58,388 (54%) cases of newly reported chronic hepatitis C; after excluding cases with missing race/ethnicity information, 67% of cases occurred among non-Hispanic White persons.

Hepatitis C Figures and Tables