
Building in the WCMS

Basic Options

You can generate a new quiz with the “New Content” option in the WCMS browser.  When you save the quiz, a JSON file is generated. To edit an existing quiz, open the JSON file for the quiz. Begin by completing the following information in the “Basic Options” panel.

Basic Option fields
Field/Section Description
Layout* Select “Form” if you would like all questions to display at once in list format; otherwise select “Guided” to display the questions one at a time.
Review Mode For a guided quiz, select one of the “on” options to allow quiz takers to review their responses before submitting them for feedback. The two “on” options allow you to control the label that displays on the review button.
Quiz Completion Message* Enter a message to indicate that the quiz has been completed.
Show Completion Score Check the box to show a score to quiz takers after submission of the quiz.
Quiz Response Defaults Select the default question-level feedback for both correct and incorrect answers.  You can override these options for each question.  (To display the Spanish-language responses, select Español as the language in Basic Options.)

Correct Answer Text:  “Correct” / “Correcto,” “Right” / “Bien,” or “Good job” / “Bien Hecho”

Incorrect Answer Text:  “Incorrect” / “Incorrecto,” “Try again” / “Inténtar de nuevo,” “You missed this one” / “Perdiste”

Learn More You can provide a link to information about the quiz topic by providing a URL, a Title (the link text for the URL), and Display Text (a description of the information).
Language* This is the standard language selector used throughout the WCMS.  Only English and Spanish selections affect the display of the quiz.
Template This is the standard template selector.  You may skip this field.

Display Options

There are two display options:

  • Enable Random Order:  Check this box to allow random ordering of quiz items. If the quiz includes information-only slides, carefully consider whether randomization makes sense.
  • Submit Button Label:  For a form-based quiz, select a label for the submission button.


The Content panel is where you specify the content for each slide and question.  The controls for adding, reordering, and removing items are the standard set of controls used in the reusable list module and elsewhere in the WCMS.

For each item, you must first select the type:  slide or question.  For each slide, complete the slide heading and body.

For each question, complete the information in the table below.

Basic Option fields
Question Field Description
Question Enter the question text. The <strong> and <em> tags are supported.
Answer 1 [2, 3, etc.] Enter a selectable correct or incorrect answer to the question.
Feedback 1 [2, 3, etc.] For each answer, use the Feedback field to provide feedback for the specific answer when it is selected by the quiz taker.  This feedback is displayed in addition to the correct/incorrect feedback you set up in Basic Options. This feedback tells the quiz taker why the answer is correct or incorrect.

You can specify feedback for any or all answers.  When no feedback is provided, the text in the “Default Correct Feedback” or “Default Incorrect Feedback” field displays, as applicable. The <strong> and <em> tags are supported.

Answer 1 [2, 3, etc.] is Correct? For each question, check this box for the correct answer. (Note that multi-select questions are not supported at this time.)
Default Correct Feedback Enter default feedback for all correct answers. If you have completed the Feedback field for all correct answers, you can skip this field.
Default Incorrect Feedback Enter default feedback for all incorrect answers. If you have completed the Feedback field for all incorrect answers, you can skip this field.
Correct Answer Text For each question, you can select the default question-level feedback you set up in Basic Options, or you can override the default. (This is the feedback that simply tells the quiz taker that a selected answer is correct.)
Incorrect Answer Text For each question, you can select the default question-level feedback you set up in Basic Options, or you can override the default. (This is the feedback that simply tells the quiz taker that a selected answer is incorrect.)
Featured Image
Select an optional image for the question. Note:  At this time the quiz form does not allow entry of alt text for 508 compliance. Make certain that the image you select has alt text.
Featured Image Size
Select the smallest image size that will work for the question.  This option allows you to keep the page weight minimal.  By default the original image is used.

Inserting a Quiz on a Page

To insert a quiz, use the “Add Element” option to select the quiz content type (in Visual Composer or the WYSIWYG editor).  In the settings pop-up, select the JSON file generated for the quiz.  Note the two quiz-specific options in the settings pop-up:

  • Style:  To insert quiz as a regular module, select Module. To include an embed control in the quiz footer, select Widget.
  • Data Style Path: If applicable, enter the path for supporting CSS file. The path should exclude the data host. For example, if the stylesheet exists at “www.cdc.gov/folderOne/aCssFile.css,” the path should be entered as “/folderOne/aCssFile.css” (without the quotation marks).
WCMS Quick Facts

Quizzes can be inserted into Visual Composer directly or into the WYSIWYG editor.

You can create a Spanish-language version of a quiz by selecting Español as the Language in Basic Options of the quiz form.

In addition to the basic correct/incorrect feedback for each question, you can specify feedback for each answer to explain why the answer is correct or incorrect.  If you leave the Feedback field empty for any answers, make certain you complete the “Default Correct Feedback” and “Default Incorrect Feedback” fields for the question.

You an insert each quiz as a regular module or as a shareable widget.