Alert Module

Building in the WCMS

The alert module is a single-use module that can be placed in Visual Composer or the WYSIWYG Editor. Simply use the “Add Element” tool in either editor to create the module and then, in the Settings pop-up, select the type of alert and enter the title, message, and any link information.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Don’t forget to set an expiration date and, if applicable, a start date.  If an expiration date is not certain, make certain you remember to edit the module to add the date once it is known or manually remove the module.
  • To create a reusable alert (or one that you can archive for historical purposes), create a reusable Visual Composer Module and then create the alert inside the module.  Once you have saved the Visual Composer Module you can place it on one or more pages.
WCMS Quick Facts

The alert module is a single-use module that can be added in Visual Composer or the WYSIWYG Editor.

To create a reusable alert, use the Visual Composer Module.

You can set a start date and an expiration date for each alert module.