Visual Element

Building in the WCMS

Editing the Visual Element SSI

The SSI for visual element is called localVisualElement_TP4. This SSI supports raw HTML and WYSIWYG text. To include any of the single-use Visual Composer elements (such as responsive image), you must create a Visual Composer module and insert it into the SSI WYSIWYG editor.

Editing a Page’s Visual Element Slot

In page Display Options, you can insert a content element into the Visual Element field, which accepts an image or Visual Composer module. Note that the field does not override the Visual Element SSI.  If the parent SSI has content, the content in this page field is added to the content in the SSI.

Testing a Visual Element

Always preview a visual element in all viewports.

If the same visual element is used on both regular pages and wide pages (pages with no left navigation menu), make certain you test both page types. You may need to create a custom SSI override for one or the other page type.

WCMS Quick Facts

The Visual Element, unlike the Feature Area, can be displayed on regular pages, in addition to wide pages.

To add a visual element for multiple pages, use the SSI localVisualElement_TP4.

The Visual Element field in page Display Options allows you to add visual element content to the page. This content displays after any content in the parent Visual Element SSI.