Feature Area
Building in the WCMS
Preparing the Feature Area
The WCMS allows regular images and Visual Composer modules in the Feature Area slot. This means that to use a responsive image, jumbotron, etc., you must use the “New Content” option from the WCMS content browser to create a Visual Composer Module.
Editing the Page
- Once you have prepared the element for the Feature Area, open or create the page where you want to display the Feature Area.
- Make certain the Page Template is set to “Without left nav.” (If you want the left navigation menu to display on the page, you cannot use the Feature Area.)
- In page Display Options, complete the fields “Feature Area” and “Feature Style.”
- Save the page and preview in all viewports.
The Feature Area can be displayed on wide pages only (pages with no left navigation menu).
To associate a Feature Area element to a page, go to page Display Options.
Only regular images and Visual Composer modules can be inserted into the Feature Area.