“On This Page” Module

Building in the WCMS

Inserting Page Anchors

The “On This Page” module requires page anchors.  You can insert page anchors three ways:

  • In a WYSIWYG Editor, position your cursor in the location where you want to insert the anchor and use the Insert menu to add an “On This Page Anchor.” (This option is also available in the toolbar.  Look for the flag icon.)
  • In Visual Composer, use the “Add Element” tool to add an On This Page Anchor.
  • For some embedded content elements, such as a text box or list module, you can check the “Insert Page Anchor” option in the element’s Settings dialog box.

For the first two options, the WCMS displays a pop-up box for entering the label and ID for the anchor.  The anchor ID is auto-filled by the WCMS. For the “On This Page” module, you can use the IDs provided by the WCMS.

Inserting the Module

You can insert an “On This Page” module in Visual Composer (see example) or the WYSIWYG Editor (see example).  Note the following:

  • Position the module in the upper right corner of the page body.
  • For the title, remember to use standard “On This Page” unless you have a good reason to use a different title.
  • If the module doesn’t display well in Visual Composer, check the option “Fit Container and Disable Float” and test again.
WCMS Quick Facts

Both the “On This Page” Anchor and the “On This Page” Module can be inserted in Visual Composer and in the WYSIWYG Editor.

Some modules, such as text box, have a “Insert Page Anchor” option in the Settings dialog box.

If the “On This Page” module doesn’t display well in Visual Composer, open its Settings dialog box and check “Fit Container and Disable Float.”  Then test again.