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NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours

Module 9. Coping with the Night and Evening Shifts

Module 9. Coping with the Night and Evening Shifts


In this module you can learn ways of making night and evening shifts less difficult by taking an active coping approach. You can learn:

  • Ways to improve the quantity and quality of sleep
  • Ways of maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms

Information on napping, another important strategy for night shift nurses, is in Module 7.

Rotating shifts vary in many ways, so this training will not specifically address strategies for rotating between night, evening, and other shifts. If you rotate shifts, consult a sleep disorders specialist for guidance if you have difficulties adjusting to your schedule. See Other Resources for a list of web sites to find a sleep center and board-certified sleep specialists.

Module: 9, Page 1 of 12