NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours
Impacts on Employers
Impacts on Employers
Negative Impacts of Shift Work and Long Work Hours for Employers98-103
- Reduced productivity: Thomas and Raynar100 reported efficiency decreased by 10% to 15% for 50- and 60-hour work weeks.
- Increases in worker errors
- Increased absenteeism
- Increased turnover
- Increases in healthcare costs, workers’ compensation costs, and early disability
- Loss of nurses who leave their job because of demanding work hours101
Circadian, a shift work consulting firm, estimates that extended hoursa of operation cost the employer over $10,000 per employee per year in healthcare costs, excess turnover costs, as well as high costs related to absenteeism, lost productivity, and accidents.102
Similarly, Rosekind et al.103 estimated annual fatigue-related productivity losses for employers were almost $2000 per employee.
a24/7 operations and long work shifts.