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NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours

Create a Positive Atmosphere

Create a Positive Atmosphere

Research provides evidence that supervisor and coworker support reduces some of the risks associated with shift work and long work hours.31 You can reduce nurses’ job stress by creating a positive atmosphere, which reduces the psychological stress that leads to poor sleep. Create a work environment with these characteristics:

  • Interpersonal communications are always respectful
  • Nurses have significant control in decision-making
  • Nurses are not exposed to threats or violence (e.g., bullying)
  • Roles are clear
  • Job security is enhanced
  • Time pressures are minimized
  • Resources enable nurses to get their jobs done
  • Positive feedback is given for a job well done.

For more information, see Eriksen et al.,32 Geiger-Brown, et al.,33 McDonald & Kahn,34 Shirey,35 and Way & MacNeil.36

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