Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands


Event: Birth, St. Croix

Cost of copy:
$15.00 (Mail request)
$12.00 (In person)

Department of Health
Vital Statistics
Charles Harwood Memorial Hospital
St. Croix, VI 00820

Remarks: Registrar has birth records on file since 1840.

Event: Birth, St. Thomas and St. John

Cost of copy:
$15.00 (Mail request)
$12.00 (In person)

Department of Health
Vital Statistics
Knud Hansen Complex
St. Thomas, VI 00802

Remarks: Registrar has birth records on file since July 1906.

Money order for birth records should be made payable to Department of Health. Personal checks are not accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (340) 774-9000 ext. 4685 or 4686.


Event: Death, St. Croix

Cost of copy:
$15.00 (Mail request)
$12.00 (In person)

Department of Health
Vital Statistics
Charles Harwood Memorial Hospital
St. Croix, VI 00820

Remarks: Registrar has death records on file since 1840.

Event: Death, St. Thomas and St. John

Cost of copy:
$15.00 (Mail request)
$12.00 (In person)

Department of Health
Vital Statistics
Knud Hansen Complex
St. Thomas, VI 00802

Remarks: Registrar has death records since January 1906.

Money order for death records should be made payable to Department of Health. Personal checks are not accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (340) 774-9000 ext. 4685 or 4686.


Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: See remarks

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistical Services
Virgin Islands Department of Health
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00801

Remarks: Certified copies are not available. Inquiries will be forwarded to the appropriate office.

Event: Marriage, St. Croix

Cost of copy: $2.00

Chief Deputy Clerk
Family Division
Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands
P.O. Box 929
St. Croix, VI 00820

Remarks: Money order for marriage records should be made payable to Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands. Personal checks are not accepted.

Event: Marriage, St. Thomas and St. John

Cost of copy: $2.00

Clerk of the Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands
Family Division
P.O. Box 70
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00801


Event: Divorce

Cost of copy: See remarks

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistical Services
Virgin Islands Department of Health
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00801

Remarks: Certified copies are not available. Inquiries will be forwarded to the appropriate office.

Event: Divorce, St. Croix

Cost of copy: $5.00

Chief Deputy Clerk
Family Division
Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands
P.O. Box 929
St. Croix, VI 00820

Remarks: Money order for divorce records should be made payable to Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands. Personal checks are not accepted.

Event: Divorce, St. Thomas and St. John

Cost of copy: $5.00

Clerk of the Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands
Family Division
P.O. Box 70
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00801

Remarks: Money order for marriage and divorce records should be made payable to Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands. Personal checks are not accepted.