


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $20.00

Division of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1528
New Castle, PA.  16103-1528

Remarks: State office has records since January 1906.

All requests must be submitted on an application form, which requires the signature of individual requesting the certificate and a legible copy of his/her valid government issued photo ID that verifies name and mailing address of the individual requesting the certificate. Application forms, eligibility requirements, fees, and additional information, including how to apply online with a credit card for an additional fee are available via the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Vital Records website. The telephone number is (724) 656-3100.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Vital Records.

Pennsylvania birth certificates prior to 1906 can be accessed through the courthouse in the county where the person was born. A list of court houses is available via the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Vital Records website.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $20.00

Division of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1528
New Castle, PA.  16103-1528

Remarks: State office has records since January 1906.

All requests must be submitted on an application form, which requires the signature of individual requesting the certificate and a legible copy of his/her valid government issued photo ID that verifies name and mailing address of the individual requesting the certificate. Application forms, eligibility requirements, fees, and additional information, including how to apply online with a credit card for an additional fee are available via the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Vital Records website. The telephone number is (724) 656-3100.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Vital Records.

Pennsylvania death certificates prior to 1906 can be accessed through the courthouse in the county where the person died. A list of court houses is available via the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Vital Records website.


Event: Marriage (county)

Cost of copy: Varies

Remarks: Make application to the Marriage License Clerks, County Court House, in county where license was issued. A list of court houses is available here.


Event: Divorce (county)

Cost of copy: Varies

Remarks: Make application to the Prothonotary, Court House, in county seat of county where divorce was granted. A list of court houses is available here.