


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $15.00

Alabama Center for Health Statistics
Alabama Department of Public Health
P.O. Box 5625
Montgomery, AL 36103-5625

Remarks: State office has records since January 1908. Birth records less than 125 years old are restricted.

Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $6.00 each. Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Board of Health. Please do not send cash.

Written applications and requests must include the applicant’s signature, the relationship to the person named on the birth record, a photocopy of a valid form of the applicant’s identification (usually a driver’s license) and the correct fee. To print an application and find more information on requesting certified copies, restrictions, identification requirements and current fees, please visit the Alabama Department of Public Health, Vital Records website, or call (334) 206-5418. This is a recorded message, with an option to talk to a customer service representative during normal business hours.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $15.00

Alabama Center for Health Statistics
Alabama Department of Public Health
P.O. Box 5625
Montgomery, AL 36103-5625

Remarks: State office has records since January 1908. Death records less than 25 years old are restricted.

Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $6.00 each. Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Board of Health. Please do not send cash.

Written applications and requests must include the applicant’s signature, the correct fee, and if the death is less than 25 years old, the relationship to the person named on the death record and a photocopy of a valid form of the applicant’s identification (usually a driver’s license). To print an application and find more information on requesting certified copies, restrictions, identification requirements and current fees, please visit the Alabama Department of Public Health, Vital Records website, or call (334) 206-5418. This is a recorded message, with an option to talk to a customer service representative during normal business hours.


Event: Marriage (State)

Cost of copy: $15.00

Alabama Center for Health Statistics
Alabama Department of Public Health
P.O. Box 5625
Montgomery, AL 36103-5625

Remarks: State office has records since August 1936. Marriage records are not restricted.

Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $6.00 each. Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Board of Health. Please do not send cash.

Written applications and requests must include the applicant’s signature and the correct fee. To print an application and find more information on requesting certified copies and current fees, please visit the Alabama Department of Public Health, Vital Records website, or call (334) 206-5418. This is a recorded message, with an option to talk to a customer service representative during normal business hours.

Event: Marriage (County)

Cost of copy: Varies

Address: See remarks

Remarks: For marriages prior to August 1936, contact Probate Judge in county where license was issued.


Event: Divorce (State)

Cost of copy: $15.00

Alabama Center for Health Statistics
Alabama Department of Public Health
P.O. Box 5625
Montgomery, AL 36103-5625

Remarks: State office has records since January 1950. Divorce records are not restricted. Divorce decrees (“papers”) are not available through the State office.

Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $6.00 each. Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Board of Health. Please do not send cash.

Written applications and requests must include the applicant’s signature and the correct fee. To print an application and find more information on requesting certified copies and current fees, please visit the Alabama Department of Public Health, Vital Records website, or call (334) 206-5418. This is a recorded message, with an option to talk to a customer service representative during normal business hours.

Event: Divorce (County)

Cost of copy: Varies

Address: See remarks

Remarks: For divorces prior to 1950, contact Clerk of Circuit Court in county where divorce was granted.