


Event: Birth

Remarks: State office has records since 1903.

Request for certified copies of birth certificates can be made via the internet, with a credit card, through Texas.gov.

A Mail Application for Birth Record (see Form VS-140 .pdf) can also be completed and sent by regular mail to the address on the application. Expedited requests can also be sent using an overnight service or by USPS Express Mail, with a check or money order, to the address on the application if selecting Expedited Processing.  Current processing times can be located on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Mail-in requests must be paid by check or money order made payable to:  DSHS – Vital Statistics. To verify current fees or status of a request, contact VSS by telephone at: (888) 963-7111. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the website at the Texas Department of State Health Services website.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $20.00 for 1st copy. Additional copies of the same death record ordered at the same time are $3.00 each.

Department of State Health Services
Vital Statistics Section
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040

Remarks: State office has recorded death records since 1903.

Requests for certified copies of death certificates can be made via the internet, with a credit card, through Texas.gov.

A Mail Application for Death Record (see Form VS-142.pdf) can also be completed and sent by regular mail to the address on the application. Expedited requests can also be sent using an overnight service or by USPS Express Mail, with a check or money order, to the address on the application if selecting Expedited Processing.  Current processing times can be located on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Mail-in requests must be paid by check or money order made payable to:  DSHS – Vital Statistics. To verify current fees or status of a request, contact VSS by telephone at: (888) 963-7111. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the website at Texas Department of State Health Services .


Event: Marriage (State)

Cost of copy: $20.00 per individual marriage application.

Department of State Health Services
Vital Statistics Section
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040

Remarks: Records since January 1966. Certified copies are not available from State office. Fee for search and verification of essential facts of marriage is $20.00 each.

Request for marriage verification can be made via the internet, with a credit card, through Texas.gov.

Marriage verification requests can also be completed and sent  by regular mail to the address on the Mail Application for Marriage  or Divorce Record  (see Form VS-142.9 .pdf). Expedited requests can also be sent using an overnight service or by USPS Express Mail and paid with a check or money order to the address on the application if selecting Expedited Processing. Current processing times can be located on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Mail-in requests must be completed with a check or money order made payable to:  DSHS – Vital Statistics. To verify current fees or status of a request, contact VSS by telephone at: (888) 963-7111. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the website at Texas Department of State Health Services.

Event: Marriage (County)

Cost of copy: County, District, and City offices set their own hours of operation, fees, and procedures for local requests.

Address: Records can be ordered locally by contacting a Texas County or local office Texas.gov.

Remarks: Certified copies of marriage licenses are only available from the county clerk. Certified copies of marriage/divorce records must be obtained in the county or district in which they were originally filed. Texas County Clerk contact information can be found at the web address above.


Event: Divorce (State)

Cost of copy: $20.00 per individual divorce application.

Department of State Health Services
Vital Statistics Section
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040

Remarks: Records since January 1968. Certified copies are not available from State office. Fee for search and verification of essential facts of divorce is $20.00 each.

Request for divorce verification can be made via the internet, with a credit card, through Texas.gov.

Divorce verification requests can also be completed and sent by regular mail to the address on the Mail Application for Marriage or Divorce Record (see Form VS-142.9 .pdf). Expedited requests can also be sent using an overnight service or by USPS Express mail and paid with a check or money order to the address on the application if selecting Expedited Processing.  Current processing times can be located on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Mail-in requests must be completed with a check or money order made payable to:  DSHS – Vital Statistics. To verify current fees or status of a request, contact VSS by telephone at: (888) 963-7111. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the website at Texas Department of State Health Services.

Event: Divorce (County)

Cost of copy: County, District, and City offices set their own hours of operation, fees, and procedures for local requests.

Address: Records can be ordered locally by contacting a Texas County or local office at Texas.gov .

Remarks: Certified copies of divorce decrees are only available from the district clerk. Certified copies of marriage/divorce records must be obtained in the county or district in which they were originally filed. Texas County contact information can be found at the web address above.