


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $10.00

Online Vital Records Ordering and Tracking System

Remarks: $2.50 portal administration fee for each birth, civil union or marriage certificate order up to 5 copies and for each 5-copy increment thereafter. Additional copies ordered at the same time are $4.00 each. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (808) 586-4533. This is a recorded message.



Event: Death

Cost of copy: $10.00

State Department of Health
Office of Health Status Monitoring
Vital Records Section
P.O. Box 3378
Honolulu, HI 96801-9984

Remarks: Additional copies ordered at the same time are $4.00 each. Cashier’s check, certified check, or money order should be made payable to State Department of Health. Personal checks are not accepted. Application forms for certified copies of death and divorce certificates are available in a “fillable” Adobe Acrobat portable document format. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (808) 586-4533. This is a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Hawaii State Department of Health, Vital Records website.



Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: $10.00

Online Vital Records Ordering and Tracking System

Remarks: $2.50 portal administration fee for each birth, civil union or marriage certificate order up to 5 copies and for each 5-copy increment thereafter. Additional copies ordered at the same time are $4.00 each. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (808) 586-4533. This is a recorded message.    



Event: Divorce (State)

Remarks:  Contact the court where the divorce occurred to obtain a copy of the divorce record. For more information, please click to send an e-mail.

Event: Divorce (County)

Cost:  Varies

Address:  See remarks.

Remarks: Circuit Court in county where divorce was granted.