New York City

New York City


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $15.00

NYC Health Department
Office of Vital Records
125 Worth Street, CN4, Rm. 133
New York, NY 10013

Remarks: The Office of Vital Records issues birth certificates for individuals who were born in one of the five boroughs of New York City (Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, or Staten Island) since 1910. The easiest and fastest way to order a birth certificate is on line at our website. (These orders are processed within 24 hours.) For birth records issued prior to 1910, please click here. If you would like to mail an application to the NYC Health Department, please be aware that applications must be notarized and processing time is at least 30 days.

For additional information on correcting and ordering birth certificates, please click here or call 311 (212-639-9675 outside New York City).


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $15.00

NYC Health Department
Office of Vital Records
125 Worth Street, CN4, Rm. 133
New York, NY 10013-4090

Remarks: The Office of Vital Records issues death certificates for individuals who died in one of the five boroughs of New York City (Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, or Staten Island) since 1949. The easiest and fastest way for family members to order a death certificates is online at our website. (these orders are processed within 24 hours). For death records issued prior to 1949, please click here. An application to send for a death certificate is available at the website.


Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: $15.00 for domestic use and $35.00 for international use

Marriage Record Requests in Person

Marriage records from 1996 to present can be obtained in person from any office of the New York City Clerk. Marriage records from 1950 to 1995 can be obtained solely in the Manhattan Office. For additional information go to the Office of the City Clerk, Marriage Bureau website.

Please mail all Marriage Records Requests to the following address:

Office of the City Clerk
141 Worth Street
Attn:  Record Room
New York, New York 10013


Manhattan Borough:
Office of the City Clerk
141 Worth Street
Attn:  Record Room
New York, New York 10013

Bronx Borough:
Office of the City Clerk
Supreme Court Building 851
Grand Concourse, Room B131
Bronx, NY 10451

Brooklyn Borough:
Office of the City Clerk
Brooklyn Municipal Building
210 Joralemon Street, Room 205
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Queens Borough:
Office of the City Clerk
Borough Hall Building
120-55 Queens Boulevard
Ground Floor, Room G-100
Kew Gardens, NY 11424

Staten Island Borough:
Office of the City Clerk
Staten Island Borough Hall
10 Richmond Terrace, Room 311
Staten Island, NY 10301


Event: Divorce

Remarks: Go to the New York State page on this website.