New Hampshire

New Hampshire


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $15.00; Additional copies ordered at the same time are $10.00 each.


Division of Vital Records Administration
Archives & Records Building
9 Ratification Way
Concord, NH 03301-2455

Remarks: State office has records since 1631. Copies of records may be obtained from State office or from City or Town Clerk in place where birth occurred. Records (birth since 1935) may be obtained from ANY City or Town running the Vital Records Automated software called NHVRINplus.

Applicant must submit a written request and a photo ID with signature of the requestor or notarized assignment of access from registrant authorizing non-direct or tangibly related individual access and a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Treasurer, State of New Hampshire. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (603) 271-4651. This is a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the New Hampshire, Department of State, Division of Vital Records Administration website.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $15.00; Additional copies ordered at the same time are $10.00 each.

Division of Vital Records Administration
Archives & Records Building
9 Ratification Way
Concord, NH 03301-2455

Remarks: State office has records since 1654. Copies of records may be obtained from State office or from City or Town Clerk in place where death occurred. Records (birth since 1935) may be obtained from ANY City or Town running the Vital Records Automated software called NHVRINplus.

Applicant must submit a written request and a photo ID with signature of the requestor or notarized assignment of access from registrant authorizing non-direct or tangibly related individual access and a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Treasurer, State of New Hampshire. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (603) 271-4651. This will be a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the New Hampshire, Department of State, Division of Vital Records Administration website.


Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: $15.00; Additional copies ordered at the same time are $10.00 each.

Division of Vital Records Administration
Archives & Records Building
9 Ratification Way
Concord, NH 03301-2455

Remarks: State office has records since 1652. Copies of records may be obtained from State office or from City or Town Clerk in place where the marriage license was issued. Records (marriage since 1960) may be obtained from ANY City or Town running the Vital Records Automated software called NHVRINplus.

Applicant must submit a written request and a photo ID with signature of the requestor or notarized assignment of access from registrant authorizing non-direct or tangibly related individual access and a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Treasurer, State of New Hampshire. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (603) 271-4651. This will be a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the New Hampshire, Department of State, Division of Vital Records Administration website.


Event: Divorce

Cost of copy: $15.00; Additional copies ordered at the same time are $10.00 each.

Division of Vital Records Administration
Archives & Records Building
9 Ratification Way
Concord, NH 03301-2455

Remarks: Records since 1808. Copies of records may be obtained from State office or Clerk of Superior/Family Division Court in the county where divorce was granted. Records (divorce since 1979) may be obtained from ANY City or Town running the Vital Records Automated software called NHVRINplus.

Applicant must submit a written request and a photo ID with signature of the requestor or notarized assignment of access from registrant authorizing non-direct or tangibly related individual access and self-addressed stamped envelope.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Treasurer, State of New Hampshire. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (603) 271-4651. This will be a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the New Hampshire, Department of State, Division of Vital Records Administration website