


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $26.00

Minnesota Department of Health
Central Cashiering – Vital Records
P.O. Box 64499
St Paul, MN 55164

Remarks: The Office of Vital Records at the Minnesota Department of Health has birth records on file from January 1900 to the present. Obtain copies of birth records from the state or any county office.  If you order multiple copies at once, the additional copies are $19.00 each. Visit the Office of Vital Records webpage for ordering information.  If you have questions, contact the Office of Vital Records at health.vitalrecords@state.mn.us or 651-201-5970.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $13.00

Minnesota Department of Health
Central Cashiering – Vital Records
P.O. Box 64499
St Paul, MN 55164

Remarks: Remarks: The Office of Vital Records at the Minnesota Department of Health has death records on file from January 1908 to the present. Obtain copies of death records from the state or any county office. If you order multiple copies at once, the additional copies are $6.00 each. Visit the Office of Vital Records webpage for ordering information. If you have questions, contact the Office of Vital Records at health.vitalrecords@state.mn.us or 651-201-5970.


Event: Marriage (State)

Cost of copy: See remarks

Remarks: Marriage records are not recorded at the state level. To find marriage certificates from all Minnesota counties, visit the Minnesota Official Marriage System website.

Event: Marriage (county)

Cost of copy: $9.00

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Contact the local registrar in the county where the license was issued.


Event: Divorce (State)

Cost of copy: See remarks

Remarks: Divorce records are not recorded at the state level.

Event: Divorce (county)

Cost of copy: $10.00

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Contact the court administrator in the county where the  divorce was granted.