


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $5.00


Rancare Commercial Building CBU Box 109
761 S. Marine Corp Drive
Tamuning, GU 96913
(Across Golden Marketing Office Supplies)


Office has records since October 26, 1901.

To request for an existing birth certificate, mail request to the address above or go to Rancare and place inside the drop box provided. Need to provide name and date on document, a self-addressed stamped envelope and proper payment (local check, cashier’s check or money order addressed to “Treasurer of Guam”).

Money order should be made payable to Treasurer of Guam. Personal checks are not accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is 300-9263 | 300-9264 | 300-9265 | 300-9270. To request for a new birth certificate or apply for a marriage license, need to make an appointment.

For more information, please contact Maria Quinata at


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $5.00


Rancare Commercial Building CBU Box 109
761 S. Marine Corp Drive
Tamuning, GU 96913
(Across Golden Marketing Office Supplies)


Office has records since October 26, 1901.

To request for an existing death certificate, mail request to the address above or go to Rancare and place inside the drop box provided. Need to provide name and date on document, a self-addressed stamped envelope and proper payment (local check, cashier’s check or money order addressed to “Treasurer of Guam”).

Money order should be made payable to Treasurer of Guam. Personal checks are not accepted. To verify current fees, the telephone number is 300-9263 | 300-9264 | 300-9265 | 300-9270. To request for a new death certificate, walk-in.

For more information, please contact Maria Quinata at



Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: $10.00


Rancare Commercial Building CBU Box 109
761 S. Marine Corp Drive
Tamuning, GU 96913
(Across Golden Marketing Office Supplies)


To request for an existing marriage certificate, mail request to the address above or go to Rancare and place inside the drop box provided. Need to provide name and date on document, a self-addressed stamped envelope and proper payment (local check, cashier’s check or money order addressed to “Treasurer of Guam”).

For more information, please contact Maria Quinata at


Event: Divorce

Cost of copy: Varies


Rancare Commercial Building CBU Box 109
761 S. Marine Corp Drive
Tamuning, GU 96913
(Across Golden Marketing Office Supplies)


The Office of Vital Statistics does not record, certify, nor issue divorce decrees. You may contact the Superior Court of Guam, Records Branch at (671) 475-3449. For divorces petitioned and settled outside of Guam, you may contact the respective state or country in which the order was finalized.

For more information, please contact Maria Quinata at