


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $15.00

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Bureau of Vital Records
930 Wildwood
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570

Remarks: State office has records since January 1910. Certified copies of most Missouri birth and death records are also available from local county health department or the Recorder of Deeds in St. Louis City. For details, please contact these offices directly. If event occurred in St. Louis (City), St. Louis County, or Kansas City before 1910, write to the city or county Health Department. Copies of these records are $15.00 each.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Please include a legal size self-addressed stamped envelope. To verify current fees on birth and death records, the telephone number is (573) 751-6387. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Vital Records website.

A valid photo ID is required for walk-in applicants. A signature is required. Notarized requests are required for mail-in orders. Notary date must be the same as the date of application.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $14.00

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Bureau of Vital Records
930 Wildwood
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570

Remarks: State office has records since January 1910. Certified copies of most Missouri birth and death records are also available from local county health department or the Recorder of Deeds in St. Louis City. For details, please contact these offices directly. If event occurred in St. Louis (City), St. Louis County, or Kansas City before 1910, write to the city or county Health Department. Copies of these records are $14.00 each. Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $11.00.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Please include a legal size self-addressed stamped envelope. To verify current fees on birth and death records, the telephone number is (573) 751-6387. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Vital Records website.

A valid photo ID is required for walk-in applicants. A signature is required. Notarized requests are required for mail-in orders. Notary date must be the same as the date of application.


Event: Marriage (County)

Cost of copy: $15.00

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Reports of marriage records are on file from July 1948 to the present.

Certified copies of Missouri marriage records are also available from the county recorder of deeds where the marriage license was obtained. For details, please contact these offices directly. Certified copies of reports of marriage records are $15.00 each.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. To verify current fees on marriage records, the telephone number is (573) 751-6387. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Vital Records website.

A valid photo ID is required for walk-in applicants. A signature is required. Notarized requests are required for mail-in orders. Notary date must be the same as the date of application.


Event: Divorce (County)

Cost of copy: $15.00

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Reports of divorce records are on file from July 1948 to the present.

Certified copies of Missouri divorce records are also available from the county circuit clerk where the divorce was granted. For details, please contact these offices directly. Certified copies of reports of divorce records are $15.00 each.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. To verify current fees on divorce records, the telephone number is (573) 751-6387. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Vital Records website.

A valid photo ID is required for walk-in applicants. A signature is required. Notarized requests are required for mail-in orders. Notary date must be the same as the date of application.