


Event: Birth

Cost of copy:
Long form: $15.00*

Fees for mail-in services are payable by check or money order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics”. A copy of a valid photo ID for the applicant is required.

* A $0.50 state charge must be added to each mail-in order.

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics
P.O. Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160

Main Number: (504) 593-5100

Remarks: Birth records are strictly confidential, and are maintained by the Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics for 100 years. Birth records older than 100 years are maintained by the Louisiana State Archives (PO Box 94125, Baton Rouge, LA 70804).

For more information on who may obtain a birth record, how to submit a request, special requirements, and other information regarding birth records, please visit the Louisiana Center of State Registrar and Vital Records Website.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $7.00*

Fees for mail-in services are payable by check or money order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics”. A copy of a valid photo ID for the applicant is required.

* A $0.50 state charge must be added to each mail-in order.

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics
P.O. Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160

Main Number: (504) 593-5100

Remarks: Death records are strictly confidential and are maintained by the Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics for 50 years. Death records older than 50 years are retained at the Louisiana State Archives (PO Box 94125, Baton Rouge, LA 70804).

For more information on who may obtain a death records, how to submit a request, special requirements, and additional information regarding death records, please visit the Louisiana Center of State Registrar and Vital Records Website.


Event: Marriage Licenses Purchased in Orleans Parish Only

Cost of copy: $5.00*

Fees for mail-in services are payable by check or money order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics”. A copy of a valid photo ID for the applicant is required.

* A $0.50 state charge must be added to each mail-in order.

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics
P.O. Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160

Main Number: (504) 593-5100

Remarks: The Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics only maintains marriage records for marriage licenses that were purchased in Orleans Parish. If a marriage license was purchased in a different parish, the marriage records can be obtained by the Clerk of Court in that parish. Orleans Parish Marriage records are maintained for 50 years. Marriage records older than 50 years are retained at the Louisiana State Archives (PO Box 94125, Baton Rouge, LA 70804).

For more information on who may obtain a death records, how to submit a request, special requirements, and additional information regarding death records, please visit the Louisiana Center of State Registrar and Vital Records Website.

Event: Marriage, Other Parishes

Cost of copy: Varies

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Certified copies are issued by Clerk of Court in the parish where the license was issued.


Event: Divorce

Cost of copy: Varies

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Contact Clerk of Court in the parish where the divorce was granted.