


Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $9.00

Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 210
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042

Remarks: Florida birth records less than 125 years old are confidential by law. The Bureau of Vital Statistics has limited birth records dating back to 1850. The majority of records date from 1917. The fee is $9.00 for the first year searched and includes one certification of the record. Additional copies are $4.00 each when requested at the same time. If no record is found, a certified “No Record Found” statement will be issued. If the exact date of birth is unknown and additional years need to be searched, a fee of $9.00 for the first year searched and $2.00 for each additional year (up to a maximum of $50.00) will be charged.

All applications or letters must include the signature, relationship to person named on the birth record, and a copy of a valid PHOTO ID (Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID, or State ID) of the eligible applicant.

Remittance by personal check or money order should be made payable to Bureau of Vital Statistics. Please visit our website or call (904) 359-6900 for ordering information, eligibility requirements, and to verify current fees.

Death or Fetal Death

Event: Death or Fetal Death

Cost of copy: $5.00

Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 210
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042

Remarks: Cause-of-death information on Florida death records less than 50 years old is confidential by law. The Bureau of Vital Statistics has limited death records dating back to 1877. The majority of records date from 1917. The fee is $5.00 for the first year searched and includes one certification of the record. Additional copies are $4.00 each when requested at the same time. If no record is found, a certified “No Record Found” statement will be issued. If the exact date of death is unknown and additional years need to be searched, a fee of $5.00 for the first year searched and $2.00 for each additional year (up to a maximum of $50.00) will be charged.

When requesting cause of death all applications or letters must include the signature, relationship to decedent, and a copy of a valid PHOTO ID (Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID, or State ID) of the eligible applicant.

Remittance by personal check or money order should be made payable to Bureau of Vital Statistics. Please visit our website or call (904) 359-6900 for ordering information, eligibility requirements, and to verify current fees.


Event: Marriage

Cost of copy: $5.00

Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 210
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042

Remarks: The Bureau of Vital Statistics has records from June 6, 1927. The fee is $5.00 for the first year searched and includes one certification of the record. Additional copies are $4.00 each when requested at the same time. If no record is found, a certified “No Record Found” statement will be issued. If the exact date of marriage is unknown and additional years need to be searched, a fee of $5.00 for the first year searched and $2.00 for each additional year (up to a maximum of $50.00) will be charged.

Remittance by personal check or money order should be made payable to Bureau of Vital Statistics. Please visit our website or call (904) 359-6900 for ordering information, eligibility requirements, and to verify current fees.

Dissolution of Marriage

Event: Dissolution of Marriage

Cost of copy: $5.00

Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 210
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042

Remarks: The Bureau of Vital Statistics has records from June 6, 1927. The fee is $5.00 for the first year searched and includes one certification of the record. Additional copies are $4.00 each when requested at the same time. If no record is found, a certified “No Record Found” statement will be issued. If the exact date of dissolution of marriage is unknown and additional years need to be searched, a fee of $5.00 for the first year searched and $2.00 for each additional year (up to a maximum of $50.00) will be charged.

Remittance by personal check or money order should be made payable to Bureau of Vital Statistics. Please visit our website or call (904) 359-6900 for ordering information, eligibility requirements, and to verify current fees.