


Event: Birth

Cost of copy:
$20.00 (City/Town issued)

$30.00 (State issued)
Please refer to the Connecticut Department of Public Health website for the most current instructions for obtaining a copy of a Connecticut birth certificate.

City/Town issued Certified Certificates
Requests for certified copies of birth should be submitted to the vital records office in the city/town where the person was born, or where the mother lived at the time of the birth. Refer to the CT DPH website for town contact information via a link to a listing of the CT Town Clerk and Registrar Directory. Requests for certified copies may also be submitted to the State Vital Records Office.

State Issued Certified Certificates
Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11 VRS
Hartford, CT 06134

Remarks: A copy of a valid, government issued photographic identification such as a drivers license, must be submitted with any request for a birth certificate. If a photo ID is not available, photocopies of two alternative forms of identification may be accepted. For additional details about ordering vital records from CT, please refer to the Connecticut Department of Public Health website at Vital Records or contact a Customer Service Representative at 860-509-7897 between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm EST.

Payment for requests sent to the town of the vital event must be in the form of a check or money order made payable to the respective town or city. Requests sent to the State vital Records Office require a postal money order made payable to the Treasurer, State of Connecticut.

Refer to the CT DPH website above for town contact information via a link to a listing of the CT Town Clerk and Registrar Directory.


Event: Death

Cost of copy: $20.00

Please refer to the Connecticut Department of Public Health website for the most current instructions for obtaining a copy of a Connecticut death certificate.

City/Town issued Certified Certificates
Requests for certified copies of a death certificate may also be submitted to the State vital Records Office.

State Issued Certified Certificates
Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11 VRS
Hartford, CT 06134

Remarks: Payment for requests sent to the town of the vital event must be in the form of a check or money order made payable to the respective town or city. Requests sent to the State vital Records Office require a postal money order made payable to the Treasurer, State of Connecticut.


Event: Marriage or Civil Union

Cost of copy: $20.00


Please refer to the Connecticut Department of Public Health website for the most current instructions for obtaining a copy of a Connecticut marriage certificate.

Remarks: Requests for certified copies of a marriage or civil union certificate may be submitted to the city/town where the marriage or civil union ceremony took place, to the town in which either of the parties resided at the time the marriage or civil union took place, or to the State Vital Records Office.

Payment for requests sent to the town of the vital event must be in the form of a check or money order made payable to the respective town or city. Requests sent to the State Vital Records Office require a postal money order made payable to the Treasurer, State of Connecticut.


Event: Dissolution of Marriage or Civil Union

Address: See remarks

Remarks: Applicant must contact Clerk of Superior Court where the dissolution of marriage/civil union was granted. The State Office of Vital Records does not record dissolution decrees and cannot issue certified copies.