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World Trade Center Health Program Updates

Last month the nation gathered to commemorate September 11, 2001. The memories and impact of that day have not faded with time. Neither has the commitment of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program in our mission to provide quality health care to the 9/11 community. We honor all those impacted—those who lost their lives, those who survived, and those who bravely responded to 9/11 at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

At the Program, we are inspired by the resilience of those who we are honored to serve. We continue to find new ways to provide compassionate care to our over 125,000 members, expand the treatments available, and to share the important and moving stories of this brave community.

There are several Program updates below that include more information about ways the Program continues to honor and care for 9/11 responders and survivors throughout the year.

“Health Effects of 9/11” Exhibition Opens at the CDC Museum

The WTC Health Program’s “Health Effects of 9/11” in-person exhibition is open at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention David J. Sencer Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. The exhibition features information on 9/11 exposures and the emergence of WTC-related health conditions, the events and advocacy that established the WTC Health Program, and research achievements that have led to improvements in WTC-related medical treatment and knowledge.

Look in the Mail for your Member Feedback Survey

The WTC Health Program wants to hear from you! We mailed each member a survey. Once you receive the survey, please fill it out and send back your responses using the enclosed envelope by 10/30/2023. Your response will provide valuable feedback about how we are doing.

Tell Us If Your Primary Health Insurance Changes

Reminder: All members of the WTC Health Program are required to have primary health insurance, including pharmacy and medical coverage. If your primary health insurance changes at any point, please let your Clinical Centers of Excellence (CCE) or the Nationwide Provider Network (NPN) and pharmacy know. Learn more about the health insurance  requirement.

Sign up for eNews!

Sign up to get Program news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Get info such as coverage updates, outreach event information, 9/11 health research updates, press releases, and more. 

Use the NEW Feedback Form

The new online feedback form allows you to send formal feedback or complaints to the WTC Health Program directly. This includes issues related to your application, WTC-related care, an appeal, etc. Use of this form is open to everyone. Please do not use this form for immediate, personal support.

WTC Health Program Medical Benefits Updates

Uterine cancer was added to the List of WTC-related health conditions in January.

The Program now covers acupuncture services for certain conditions, a type of cancer treatment called CAR-T therapy and has expanded its pre-treatment dental service availability for members with cancer or about to undergo an organ transplant. More details about medical updates are available on the Program Updates and Archives page.

The Nationwide Provider Network Has Expanded their Network

Managed Care Advisors (MCA)-Sedgwick, the administrator of the NPN has expanded their network of Program providers available to over 1 million. 

More information is available on the  MCA-Sedgwick NPN Network Expansion   page.

Youth Research Cohort Planning is Underway

The WTC Health Program is currently reviewing feedback from the public and Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) on best practices and methods for assembling and engaging a research cohort of individuals under 21 years of age at the time of 9/11. To stay updated, please visit the Youth Research Cohort page.

Best Practices for Clinical Care Articles are Published

Articles in this series describe best practices in the diagnosis and treatment of 9/11-related conditions, in an effort to promote and maintain high quality medical care within the WTC Health Program. Authors include clinicians affiliated with the WTC Health Program, including those employed either by WTC Clinical Centers of Excellence, the Nationwide Provider Network, the WTC Health Registry of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Mental Health and Self-Care Resources Available

We recognize that this time of year may be particularly challenging. Know that you are not alone and that the WTC Health Program is here to help. Visit our Mental Health Resources page to learn more. We also encourage you to contact your clinic for self-care and coping resources.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org .