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Program Videos

Informational Videos

A series of videos that answers frequently asked questions about the WTC Health Program. Note: These informational videos were created by the non-profit organization 9/11 Health Watch in collaboration with the WTC Health Program.

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The WTC Health Program Explained– All instructional videos in one starting with a special message from Administrator of the WTC Health Program, Dr. John Howard.

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What is the difference between the WTC Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund?

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Are you eligible for the WTC Health Program?

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What does the WTC Health Program cover?

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Once enrolled by the WTC Health Program, where can I get treatment?

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How does the WTC Health Program handle responders, how do they get services, how are they eligible?

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How does the WTC Health Program handle survivors, how do they get services, how are they eligible?

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How do you complete the WTC Health Program responder application?

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How do you complete the WTC Health Program Survivor Application?

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How does the WTC Health Program deal with Workers Comp for Responders and Insurance for Survivors?

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Where can I find more information on the WTC Health Program?

Member Stories

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Alex... After 9/11, Alex worked long days as a clean up worker in lower Manhattan, which took a serious toll on his health.

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Bob...Bob lives in Lower Manhattan and became sick soon after the 9/11 attacks. The WTC Health Program helped him recover.

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Cynthia...The WTC Health Program has helped thousands of responders, and residents and workers recover their health following the 9/11 attacks. 

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Florence...On 9/11, Florence escaped the south tower before it collapsed. She survived but was left with severe asthma and other health problems.

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Glenn...Glenn, NYPD officer, helped others get the care they needed. The WTC Health Program then helped Glenn recover.

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John...John, a construction and demolition worker lost half of his foot working at Ground Zero.

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Lainie...Lainie worked in lower Manhattan—both on 9/11 and in the weeks that followed. The dust cloud left her with serious health problems.

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Lillian...Lillian, a mom from the lower East side, found her family struggling with severe asthma following 9/11.

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Morris...After 9/11 Morris volunteered for months with the recovery effort. He developed asthma and depression. He says The WTC Health Program helped save his life.

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Stanley...Stanley, a firefighter, was part of the rescue effort at the North Tower on 9/11. He survived but was left with breathing and other health problems. The WTC Health Program helped Stanley recover.

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Hope and Recovery with the WTC Health Program...The WTC Health Program has helped thousands of responders, and residents and workers recover their health following the 9/11 attacks. (60 second PSA)

Outreach Videos

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FealGood Foundation Video Featuring Comedian Jon Stewart to Reach 9/11 Responders and Survivors...John Feal, President and Founder of the FealGood Foundation in a special collaboration with comedian Jon Stewart to help those affected by the September 11th terrorist attacks.

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Hope and Recovery with the WTC Health Program...Learn more about the WTC Health Program as members and medical providers share their stories and inspiration. .