An Update from New DSTDP Director, Dr. Bradley Stoner


This Dear Colleague Letter highlights an update from new DSTDP Director.

Dr. Bradley Stoner joins CDC as the Division of STD Prevention's new Director.

Dear Colleagues,

I am excited to begin my journey as Director of CDC’s Division of STD Prevention. It is truly an honor to join this team of hard-working and dedicated health professionals all working together to prevent STIs and promote sexual health.

These are challenging times for our field, to be sure, but also times of great excitement and new possibilities. As STI rates have been increasing in recent years, we are all on the lookout for good news and the recently released clinical guidelines for doxy PEP are a great example of the kinds of high-quality, evidence-based contributions the Division makes to advance STI prevention on a large scale. The Division has also been at the forefront of efforts to reduce syphilis morbidity through the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health’s National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic (NSCSS) Federal Task Force. We remain committed to promoting health equity and reducing health disparities through deep engagement and collaboration with partners at all levels.

I approach my new role at DSTDP with humility and respect. Throughout my career as a clinician, researcher and educator, I have always looked to CDC for expert, evidence-based guidance on best practices for STI prevention and control. The Division has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in these areas - as we face the challenges ahead, it’s heartening to have the advice, guidance and counsel of the best and the brightest.

On behalf of the Division of STD Prevention, I offer my personal thanks to everyone working across the nation in so many different contexts to improve the sexual health of the nation. It’s difficult, important work – and it makes a difference. I look forward to working with you on the journey.

Kind regards,

/Bradley Stoner/

Bradley Stoner, MD, PhD
Director, Division of STD Prevention
National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention