Legal Status of EPT in Delaware

At a glance

EPT is permissible in Delaware of August 29, 2018.


[+] supports the use of EPT

[-] negatively affects the use of EPT

I. Statutes/regs on health care providers’ authority to prescribe for STDs to a patient’s partner(s) w/out prior evaluation
[+] “A health care practitioner who makes a clinical diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease may provide expedited partner therapy for the treatment of the sexually transmitted disease [subject to various requirements].” 16 Del.C. § 703A.
II. Specific judicial decisions concerning EPT (or like practices)
III. Specific administrative opinions by the Attorney General or medical or pharmacy boards concerning EPT (or like practices)
IV. Laws that incorporate via reference guidelines as acceptable practices (including EPT)
V. Prescription requirements
[+] “(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in this State may recognize a prescription authorized by this section as valid.[…](g) The label of any drug prescribed, or records created under this section are not required to contain the name of the patient’s sexual partner.” 16 Del.C. § 703A.
VI. Assessment of EPT’s legal status with brief comments
EPT is permissible.Statutory authority expressly authorizes the practice of EPT for both health care practitioners and pharmacists, subject to various requirements within the statute.