The State of STIs

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This infographic highlights national statistics for the reportable STIs, including congenital syphilis. Also highlighted are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

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The State of STIs in the United States in 2022.

CDC's 2022 STI Surveillance Report underscores that STIs must be a public health priority

1.6 million cases of chlamydia; 6.2% decrease since 2018.

648,056 cases of gonorrhea; 11% increase since 2018.

207,255 cases of syphilis; 80% increase since 2018.

3,755 cases of syphilis among newborns; 183% increase since 2018.

Anyone who has sex could get an STI, but some groups are more affected:

  • young people aged 15-24
  • gay & bisexual men
  • pregnant people
  • racial & ethnic minority groups

Left untreated, STIs can cause:increased risk of giving or getting HIVlong-term pelvic/abdominal paininability to get pregnant or pregnancy complications

Prevent the spread of STIs with three simple steps: TALK. TEST. TREAT.

Learn more at:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention