FoodCORE Metrics

What to know

FoodCORE centers use performance metrics to identify successes and areas for improvement


The FoodCORE performance metrics are a list of measurable activities covering diverse aspects of outbreak response. These activities span from outbreak surveillance and detection through investigation, response, control, and prevention measures.

Each center provides data about the burden, timeliness, and completeness of foodborne disease activities related to the key areas of activity. This data is used to demonstrate successes and identify areas for process improvement.

The performance metrics are comprised of specific measures covering surveillance through implementation of prevention measures.

Laboratory Surveillance

  • Isolate/specimen submission
  • Complete and timely subtyping
  • Communication of lab findings

Epidemiological Interviews and Investigations

  • Complete and timely case interviewing
  • Outbreak detection and data review
  • Outbreak investigations, analytic studies, and interventions
  • Conduct trainings with public health partners

Environmental Health

  • Environmental health assessments as part of investigative teams
  • Communication and coordination between public health agencies
  • Conduct trainings with public health partners
FoodCORE SSL Metrics