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World Trade Center Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee: Nominations period extended through December 2023

November 27, 2023

The deadline for submitting nominations  for candidates to serve on the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) has been extended until December 30, 2023.

At this time the Administrator is seeking nominations for:

  • Two representatives of certified-eligible survivors
  • Mental health professional
  • Industrial hygienist
  • Occupational physician with expertise in treating WTC rescue and recovery workers
  • Physician with expertise in pulmonary medicine, and
  • Representative of WTC responders.

Appointments to the STAC are for up to 4 years. The Administrator determines committee meeting frequency based on Program needs. Selection of members is based on candidates’ expertise and qualifications to contribute to the accomplishment of committee objectives. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominations are due by  December 30, 2023. Further information on how to submit nominations is available in the  Federal Register Notice . 

You can also email questions to wtc-stac@cdc.gov.

More about the STAC

The Administrator of the WTC Health Program consults the STAC on additional Program eligibility criteria and additional WTC-related health conditions, Program 9/11 health research needs, and whether to add a condition to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions.