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World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and CDC Museum Announce Opening of Health Effects of 9/11 Exhibition

September 7, 2023

This September 11th marks the opening of Health Effects of 9/11, a new exhibition at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia.

The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program collaborated with the CDC Museum and the 9/11 community to develop this exhibition devoted to raising awareness about the ongoing health effects linked to 9/11 exposures.

The WTC Health Program proudly dedicates this exhibition to all people impacted by 9/11, including those who lost their lives that day, those who have died from 9/11-related illnesses, and those who continue to struggle.

Why is this such an important story to tell today?

Twenty-two years after 9/11, nearly 80,000 people have physical and mental health conditions related to their exposure to dust, smoke, debris, and the traumatic events.

As the World Trade Center Health Program continues our mission to provide compassionate medical care and treatment to our over 125,000 members who were impacted by 9/11, we draw inspiration from their stories of healing and resilience.

This new exhibition offers CDC Museum visitors an opportunity to learn and reflect on the lingering effects of 9/11 through moving visuals and firsthand stories of sacrifice and survival.

At its core, this exhibition is about the resilience of this brave community we are so privileged to help heal.

Responders and survivors of 9/11, including CDC and NIOSH responders who were deployed to support recovery efforts, actively participated in the development of the exhibition, sharing their stories, images, and experiences.

The Health Effects of 9/11 exhibition features:

  • information on 9/11 exposures and the emergence of World Trade Center-related health conditions,
  • the events and advocacy that established the World Trade Center Health Program,
  • research achievements that have led to improvements in medical treatment and knowledge,
  • artifacts, such as respirators worn by CDC and NIOSH responders, and
  • a video of Program member testimonials, illustrations, and compelling photographs, including this magnified image of the WTC dust created by NIOSH’s Health Effects Laboratory Division.

The Health Effects of 9/11 exhibition is on view at the CDC Museum through April 26, 2024. A digital version can be viewed online at www.cdc.gov/wtc/exhibition.