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Reinstatement of 30-day supply limit at retail pharmacies

May 28, 2021

English Español Polskie 中文

On April 28th, 2020, the WTC Health Program started allowing up to a 90-day supply of medication to be filled at your retail or community pharmacy. This was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to allow members to make less frequent trips to an in-person pharmacy. Previously, only a 30-day supply was permitted when filled in-person.

Starting August 1, 2021, the 30-day supply limit policy will be reinstated.

This means that the WTC Health Program will allow a maximum 30-day supply of medication for each fill at your retail or community pharmacy. For any medication fills above 30 days and up to 90 days, you must use OptumRx’s home delivery service.

What are the benefits of Home Delivery?

OptumRX’s home delivery is a convenient option for you to receive medications that you take on a regular or on-going basis. Home delivery provides the following benefits:

  • 90-day supply of medications delivered by mail to your home or location of choice at no cost to you
  • No need to travel to the pharmacy and wait in lines
  • Reduces the risk of running out of your medications

The WTC Health Program strongly encourages all members who are receiving medications taken on a regular or on-going basis to enroll in home delivery when possible.

How do I sign up for Home Delivery at OptumRx?

To sign up for OptumRx Home Delivery, please call OptumRx directly at 1-855-640-0005, Option 2.

You can also visit the OptumRx’s WTC Health Program Home Delivery website , select “Click to Enroll”, and provide your information to have an OptumRx representative contact you.

Other questions? Need help?

  • For questions related to this policy change, call the WTC Health Program at 1-888-982-4748.
  • For pharmacy benefits questions, call OptumRx’s WTC Health Program Pharmacy Benefit Services line at 1-855-640-0005.
  • For questions related to your medications, contact your Clinical Center of Excellence or Nationwide Provider Network provider.