Untreated Cavities in Children

At a glance

Untreated tooth decay declined in young children.

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Infographic text

Untreated tooth decay declined in young children.

Since 1999–2004, the prevalence of untreated tooth decay in primary teeth of children aged 2–5 years has dropped by half.

Chart: Percentage of children aged 2–5 with untreated decay.

  • Lower-Income: 1999–2004: 31%, 2011–2016: 17%.
  • Mexican American: 1999–2004: 31%, 2011–2016: 15%.
  • Overall: 1999–2004: 21%, 2011–2016: 10%.

Mexican American and low-income children saw the greatest declines.

Healthy People 2030: Oral Health