Untreated Cavities in Adults

At a glance

Some adults were twice as likely to have untreated tooth decay.

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Some adults were twice as likely to have untreated tooth decay.

Nearly half of adults aged 20–64 years who were: non-Hispanic black, low-income, had less than a high school education, or currently smoking cigarettes had untreated tooth decay.

This is two times the amount of untreated decay as the comparison groups.

Chart: Percentage of adults aged 20–64 with untreated tooth decay, 2011–2016.

  • non-Hispanic Black: 40%.
  • non-Hispanic White*: 22%.
  • low-income: 45%.
  • higher-income*: 18%.
  • less than HS education: 46%.
  • more than HS education*: 18%.
  • currently smoking cigarettes: 44%.
  • never smoked cigarettes*: 20%.

* comparison groups