At a glance
Several resources are available for food in everyday situations as well as before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. These resources are for individuals, households, governments, tribes, institutions, communities, and community-based and feeding organizations.

Individuals and households
USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (USDA FNS) operates programs to help eligible people get food.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is for people who meet certain requirements, including resource and income limits. Special SNAP rules apply to households with elderly or disabled members. To apply for SNAP benefits, or get more information, those eligible can contact their local SNAP office. See the SNAP State Directory of Resources.
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) is for income-eligible households on Indian reservations. It is also available to Native American/Alaska Native households in designated areas near reservations or in Oklahoma. For assistance, contact:
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) serves women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are postpartum but not brestfeeding. WIC also services infants and children up to age 5.
Recipients must meet income guidelines, a state residency requirement, and be at risk for poor nutrition. WIC provides:
- Nutritious foods to supplement diets.
- Information on healthy eating, breastfeeding promotion, and support.
- Referrals to health care.
Tools to help find food
Find meals for students during school summer vacation. Through USDA's summer meal programs, approved sites serve meals to kids up to age 18 at no cost. Find directions, hours of operation, and contact information.
Meals on Wheels provides meals for individuals with diminished mobility who are generally 60 and older, although age requirements can vary. Find a provider online.
Food Finder is an interactive map of food pantries and free food assistance programs.
The USDA Local Food Directories allows users to search for a farmers' market, community supported agriculture, or other local food businesses by zip code, product, payment method, and other criteria.
Governments, tribes, communities, and practitioners
These resources help identify and support people with food insecurity.
Food and Nutrition Security State and National Profiles highlight opportunities to strengthen food and nutrition security programs, policies orpractices, and infrastructure.
Survey Tools offer screening tools for food insecurity, such as the U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module. Many non-English translations are available.
The Hunger Vital Sign is a two-question food insecurity screening tool. It is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Nepali, Russian, Somalian, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese.
Food Insecurity Screening for Adults helps identify and address food insecurity among adults in the clinical setting. A positive food insecurity screen can be coded in the electronic medical record. Identified patients can be connected with eligible food sources.
For older adults, the Administration for Community Living Nutrition and Aging Resource Center offers Training and Tools and Data and Reports.
For rural communities, the Rural Health Information Hub Topic Guide provides access to publications, maps, funding, and other topics. For example:
Before, during, and after an emergency
Disaster resources from USDA FNS:
- Foods Program Disaster Manual
- Guide to Coordinating WIC Services During a Disaster
- FNS Regional Contacts, including disaster assistance coordinators
Pandemic planning resources from USDA FNS:
- SNAP Pandemic Planning Guidelines
- Using USDA Food During a Human Pandemic Outbreak: Options for Schools and Communities
Extension Disaster Education Network is a collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services. This network improves the delivery of services to communities affected by disasters.
Read more about engaging communities in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery: Community Organizations Active in Disaster.
Preparing for an emergency or disaster
Eating a healthy diet is an important part of overall health and well-being. Find tips to help you build a nutritious emergency food supply.
MyPlate Start simple can be used to pick simple daily food goals. Build a Food Kit includes suggested food and supplies. It includes tips on food safety and cooking without power. It is available in multiple languages, such as Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Breastfeeding is the best infant feeding option in a natural disaster.
During and after an emergency or disaster
After a disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides immediate Individual Disaster Assistance.
People who were not eligible for assistance before a disaster may be eligible after a disaster if their income and resources change. The USDA FNS Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) provides short-term food assistance benefits to families after a disaster.
To apply for D-SNAP or get more information, those eligible can contact their local SNAP office. See the SNAP Local Directory of Resources.
Also see:
Institutions and organizations serving and distributing food
Food service guidelines are standards for healthier food and beverages and food service operations in worksite and community settings. Examples of settings include hospitals, stadiums, and recreation centers.
Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities can also be used in public and private settings.
Nutrition in Food Banking Toolkit helps the charitable food sector understand and meet the nutritional needs of community members with food insecurity. The toolkit includes:
- Healthy Eating Research (HER) Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System
- Applying an Intercultural Competence Lens
- Role of Food Bank Nutrition Policies: A Guide to Action
Cooking for Groups: A Volunteer's Guide to Food Safety helps volunteers safely prepare food and serve large groups. It is available in English and Spanish.
How to Pack a Balanced Pantry Bag includes information for following MyPlate nutrition recommendations. This includes amounts of food to provide for specific meals.
Before, during, and after a disaster or emergency
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Toolkit is for emergency preparedness and response personnel, families, and the public. IYCF-E Social Media contains ready-to-use messages to promote information and resources.
Food Safety Emergency Response Pocket Guide helps child nutrition program operators respond to emergencies. It is available in both English and Spanish.
Multi-Agency Feeding Plan Template provides guidance and suggested procedures for developing a disaster feeding plan. It can be used by any jurisdiction or agency.
Hospital Emergency Food Supply Planning Guidance and Toolkit helps document emergency food supplies as mandated by regulatory requirements.
Peer learning
Examples of how governments, communities, organizations, and practitioners support food and nutrition security before, during, and after disasters and emergencies.
FEMA Case Study Library offers reports and best practice articles.
Local and Regional Food Systems Response to COVID-19 includes:
- Resource Hub with up to 200 items, such as blogs, data sets, and fact sheets.
- Innovation Briefs with ideas, best practices, and adoptable approaches.
- Local and Regional Food System COVID-19 Rapid Response.
Reimagining Hunger Responses in Times of Crisis offers insights from case examples. It also includes a survey of Indian Country communities' food access during COVID-19. It provides recommendations for strengthening agriculture infrastructure to support Native-led agriculture and food sovereignty.