The graphic says CDC Chief Medical Officer’s MMWR Clinical Pearls with an image of a woman with brown hair, blue shirt, and a gray blazer.


May 2024

Think Horses First

The graphic is multiple horses galloping.
COVID-19 Tests
The graphic shows an image of a clinician holding a PCR test and an image of a clinician talking to a patient with text about prioritizing PCR tests for high-risk patients.

Read more about COVID-19 tests

Don’t Forget Zebras

The graphic includes Zebras walking around grass.
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Infections

After a transition to the Medtronic Duet EVD system in September 2023, Rhode Island Hospital’s routine surveillance identified a threefold increase in positive cerebrospinal fluid cultures and an eightfold increase in infections. Subsequently, the Food and Drug Administration recalled the Medtronic Duet product in January 2024. Hospital infection prevention and control programs are important to identify, respond to, and prevent health care–associated infections.

Read more about EVD infections

Cosmetic Injections and HIV

Nonsterile cosmetic injections administered at an unlicensed spa were the likely source of HIV infections among three people with no known risk factors who received platelet-rich plasma microneedling facials (vampire facials). Contact your health department to investigate possible novel sources of HIV transmission among people with no known HIV risk factors.

Read more about cosmetic injections and HIV

Opportunities to Improve Clinical Outcomes

The graphic includes five clinicians smiling.
Heat-Related Illness

The severity, frequency, and duration of heat waves in 2023 in certain U.S. regions resulted in record-high rates of emergency department visits for heat-related illness. All patients can be affected by extreme heat. Some are more sensitive, including children and adults with underlying conditions, pregnant women, and outdoor workers. Counsel patients on how to stay cool and hydrated and when to seek medical care for heat-related symptoms (e.g., muscle cramping, unusually heavy sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, weakness, and nausea).

Patients can use Heat Risk to be safer during extreme heat.

Read more about heat-related illness

The graphic includes an illustration of a map and a clinician with a parent and child with text about international travel and measles.

Read more about measles

Did you know? Medscape & MMWR have FREE CME activities

The graphic is a clinician smiling.

Continuing medical education credits are available from Medscape on select MMWRs.

Learn more about FREE CME

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