Legend Panel - Maps

At a glance

The Legend panel for maps allows creators to customize the look and location of their legends.

Where to Use

Visualization Types‎

This panel displays the fields below for all map types. Please note that the fields displayed in this panel are significantly different for charts.

Common Fields

Legend Type: For numeric maps - Equal Number (Quantiles) or Equal Interval.

Show Legend: Unselecting this option hides the legend from the page.

Legend Position: This moves the legend either to the left, right, top, or bottom of the chart.

Legend Style: Choose from circles, squares, or a gradient bar.

Gradient Style: Gradient Legends only. Linear Blocks or Smooth. The smooth option will blur the colors together at the transition point, so it is best used for an intensity scale with many options. If using text categories, please double check them on mobile view for text overlap.

Tick Rotation (Degrees): Gradient Legends only. Change the angle of the text on the legend for better visibility.

Single Column/Row Legend: Places all data series on a single row across or a single vertical column.

Vertical Sorted Legend: Sorts the columns vertically instead of horizontally.

Examples of legends with vertical sorting on and off.
Examples of legends with vertical sorting on and off.

Show Special Classes Last: Show any special classes at the end of the legend, rather than the default first position.

Separate Zero: For numeric data, check this option to separate the value zero as its own data class. When this option is checked, zero uses one of the colors in the map palette, so you may want to adjust the Number of Items (Legend panel) after checking this option.

Use New Quantile Legend: Check to prevent numbers from being used in more than one grouping.

Number of Items: Select the number of data classes to display. Do not include special classes, these are counted separately.

Category Order: If you selected "categorical" as the Legend Type, you can drag and drop the categories into the appropriate order. If the data classification is based on intensity (e.g., Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Very Frequently), place the values in order of intensity, from low to high or vice versa.

Legend Title: Create a title for your legend. Can be HTML formatted.

Legend Description: Enter a description for your legend. This can be HTML formatted.

US State Map Specific Fields

Unified Legend: If you are including one or more data filters and want the high and low values in the legend to be based on all mapped values, check this option. Otherwise, the legend high and low values are determined by the numeric range of the selected filter value set.