Overdose Data to Action: Impact of Funded Programs

At a glance

  • Funding state, territorial, county, and city health departments is an essential part of CDC’s work.
  • CDC-funded programs have led to improvements in building state and local capacity to prevent drug overdose and related harms.
  • Health departments that received OD2A funding from 2019-2023 reported many significant achievements.

Data dashboards and naloxone in Arizona

Arizona redesigned its opioid data dashboards to better identify areas that needed additional support for naloxone distribution. This tool improved outreach and education in rural, underserved communities about the importance of becoming a naloxone distributor. It also helped staff expedite naloxone shipments by partnering with new naloxone distribution agencies.

Overdose education in Connecticut correctional facilities

Connecticut increased overdose and naloxone education in jails. Every inmate who is brought into custody receives overdose education during orientation. Additionally, Connecticut implemented an initiative to reach the families of inmates when screening them to be sponsors. Connecticut added three correctional facilities that offer medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) to the six existing facilities in the state, increasing the number of inmates treated in the MOUD program by 120%.

Spike alert and response in Illinois

Chicago converted data from their opioid overdose alert system into an actionable response plan, which has advanced outreach efforts in persistent overdose hotspots. As a result, there are now teams and processes in place to respond to overdose spikes with naloxone, education, and linkages to additional resources via outreach events.

FindHelpNowKY spreads beyond Kentucky

Kentucky's FindHelpNowKY.org locator website helps individuals find a substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facility in near-real-time. The original website was expanded to share resources like data dashboards and standard processes for maintaining complete and accurate records of SUD facilities currently accepting new patients with neighbors through a multi-agency partnership. Tennessee launched FindHelpNowTN.org in early 2023.

Expanding drug checking to detect emerging trends in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Drug Supply Data Stream was developed and deployed to learn more about the local illicit drug supply to better inform public health and public safety responses. It has developed into a multi-state network and platform and has been critical in understanding and communicating trends in the illegal drug supply.