NORA Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Sector Council

Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities

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The NORA Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities (TWU) Council brings together individuals and organizations with a shared interest in improving occupational safety and health in this sector. Council members share information, form partnerships, and promote adoption and dissemination of solutions that work. Contact the NORA Coordinator to volunteer.

Research Agenda
National Occupational Research Agenda for TWU

The NORA TWU Council identified research priorities for the third decade of NORA (2016-2026) in the National Occupational Research Agenda for Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities. The agenda identifies 10 research objectives for the nation.

Research objectives for the nation:

  1. Reduce deaths and injuries among TWU workers
  2. Reduce musculoskeletal disorders among TWU workers
  3. Promote and improve the health and well-being of TWU workers
  4. Increase knowledge about the association between TWU worker exposures and adverse health outcomes, and effective prevention and control strategies
  5. Increase knowledge about the role of worker characteristics and impairment on TWU worker safety, health and well-being, and effective prevention strategies
  6. Encourage Prevention through Design
  7. Proactively address the safety implications of emerging technology
  8. Support safe workplaces through organizational-level factors, programs and measures
  9. Increase understanding of how changes in the economy affect the safety and well-being of TWU workers
  10. Foster translation of research into practice to improve the health and well-being of TWU workers
Sector Description

The Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities (TWU) sector includes more than 10 million workers in North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 22, 48 and 49. TWU has three distinct sub-sectors:

  • Transportation – includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo; scenic and sightseeing transportation; and support activities related to modes of transportation.
  • Warehousing – includes industries providing warehousing and storage of goods.
  • Utilities – comprises establishments engaged in providing, servicing, and distributing; electric power; natural gas; steam supply; water supply; and sewage removal.

The NIOSH TWU Program facilitates the work of the council and coordinates NIOSH research in this sector.

Information is available about the NIOSH TWU Program, which facilitates the work of the council.