Respiratory Health Cross-Sector Council Members
Council Members
The Respiratory Health Council has two co-chairs, one from the NIOSH Respiratory Health Program and one from a partner organization. The NIOSH program leaders also help to facilitate the work of the Council. Members attend meetings and participate in workgroups. Contact the Co-Chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.
Current Members
Name | Organization |
Akshay Sood Co-chair |
University of New Mexico |
Paul Henneberger Co-chair |
David Weissman NIOSH Program Manager |
Jean Cox-Ganser NIOSH Program Coordinator |
Steve Mischler NIOSH Program Assistant Coordinator |
Anne Foreman NIOSH Program Assistant Coordinator |
Muge Akpinar-Elci | Old Dominion University |
David Bernstein | University of Cincinnati |
Chris Carlsten | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Jim Chang | University of Maryland Medical Center |
Rafael E. de la Hoz | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. |
Jennifer Flattery | California Department of Public Health |
Mridu Gulati | Yale University |
Stella Hines | University of Maryland |
John Linnell | COPD Foundation, U.S. COPD Coalition |
David Mannino | COPD Foundation |
Michelle Martin | NIOSH |
Karl-Christian Nordby | National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway |
David D. Olvera | Zachry Industrial, Inc |
Antonello Punturieri | National Institutes of Health |
Cecile Rose | National Jewish Health |
Susan M. Tarlo | University of Toronto, Canada |
Kjell Torén | Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
Carolyn Whitaker | Washington State Department of Labor and Industries |