Oil and Gas Extraction Council Members
Council Members
The Council has two co-chairs, one from NIOSH and one representing the oil and gas extraction industry. The NIOSH Program coordinator and assistant coordinator facilitate the work of the Council. Members attend meetings and participate in workgroups. Contact the council co-chair to volunteer for the Oil and Gas Extraction council. Contact the NORA Coordinator with general questions or comments about NORA.
Council leadership and coordination
Name | Organization |
Ryan Hill Co-Chair |
Kenny Jordan Co-Chair |
Energy Workforce & Technology Council |
David Caruso Program Coordinator |
Alejandra Ramirez-Cardenas Assistant Coordinator |
Participating organizations
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- Berkley Oil & Gas Specialty Services
- Bonanza Creek Energy
- BP
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Chevron Energy Technology Company
- Covia
- Energy Workforce & Technology Council
- Encana Oil and Gas
- Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
- International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)
- ISNetworld
- Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Texas Mutual Insurance Company
- The National STEPS Network
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas Arlington
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI)
- Waldorf University
- Wyoming Department of Workforce Services