NORA Hearing Loss Prevention Cross-Sector Council

The NORA Hearing Loss Prevention Cross-Sector Council brings together individuals and organizations with a shared interest in preventing work-related hearing loss. Council members share information, form partnerships, and promote adoption and dissemination of solutions that work. Contact the Co-Chairs or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.
Council members collaborated to produce a video, Hearing is Quality of Life, to increase awareness of the risk of occupational hearing loss from loud noise or music on the job and encourage protective behavior. The video includes conversations with noise-exposed workers who have experienced hearing loss and/or tinnitus. It is hosted by the National Hearing Conservation Association.
The NORA Hearing Loss Prevention Council identified research priorities for the third decade of NORA (2016-2026) in the National Occupational Research Agenda for Hearing Loss Prevention [PDF – 424 KB]. The agenda identifies five research objectives for the nation.
Research objectives for the nation:
- Provide scientific basis for policies and guidelines that will inform best practices for hearing loss prevention efforts
- Develop effective, evidence-based education designed to improve hearing conservation program outcomes for exposed workers and management
- Develop, commercialize, and widely implement noise control solutions on jobsites in key industries
- Develop audiological tests for hearing loss prevention
- Improve occupational hearing loss surveillance
The NORA Hearing Loss Prevention Cross-Sector focuses on prevention of occupational hearing loss due to hazardous noise exposure, ototoxic substances (chemical, pharmaceutical, metals). It also promotes the development of interventions through research in surveillance, engineering noise control, personal protective equipment, and best practices.
The NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Program facilitates the work of the Council and coordinates NIOSH research in this cross-sector