Key points
- Workplace violence can happen to any type of worker in any work setting, though some workers have a higher risk.
- Workplace violence can cause long-term effects, both physical and psychological.
- NIOSH funds, conducts, and publishes research to reduce workplace violence.

What it is
Workplace violence is the act or threat of violence. It ranges from verbal abuse to physical assaults directed toward people at work or on duty. Violence can occur in any workplace and among any type of worker.
The impact of workplace violence can range from psychological issues to physical injury, or even death.
The risk for fatal violence is greater for workers in sales, protective services, and transportation. The risk for nonfatal violence resulting in days away from work is greatest for healthcare and social assistance workers.
Workplace violence prevention course for nurses
Quick facts and stats
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20,050 workers in the private industry experienced trauma from nonfatal workplace violence in 2020. These incidents required days away from work.1
Of those victims who experienced trauma from workplace violence:
- 73% were female
- 62% were aged 25-54
- 76% worked in the healthcare and social assistance industry
- 22% required 31 or more days away from work to recover
- 22% involved 3-5 days away from work
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 392 U.S. workers died from workplace homicide in 2020.2
Of those victims who died from homicide:
- 81% were men
- 44% were aged 25-44
- 28% were Black
- 18% were Hispanic
- 30% performed retail-related tasks (e.g., waiting on customers)
Programs and initiatives
NIOSH funds, conducts, and publishes research focused on risk factors and prevention strategies for workplace violence.
Employers, occupational safety and health professionals, and workers can use the following resources to reduce occupational violence.
Taxi drivers
Journal articles
- Trends in workplace homicides in the U.S., 1994–2021: An end to years of decline American Journal of Industrial Medicine: April, 2024 / 67(6):562-571
- Workplace violence against healthcare workers using nationally representative estimates of emergency department data, 2015-2017 American Journal of Industrial Medicine: April, 2023 / 66(4):333-338
- Occurrences of workplace violence related to the COVID-19 pandemic, United States, March 2020 to August 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: November, 2022 / 19(21):14387
- Workplace violence and the mental health of public health workers during COVID-19 American Journal of Preventive Medicine: March, 2023 / 64(3):315-325
- Workplace violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: March-October, 2020, United States Journal of Safety Research: September 22, 2022 / 82:376-384
- Symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal ideation among state, tribal, local, and territorial public health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic — United States, March–April 2021 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: July 2, 2021 / 70(26):947-952
- Impact of a crime prevention ordinance for small retail establishments American Journal of Industrial Medicine: June 2021 / 64(6):488-495
More on workplace violence
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020). TABLE R4. Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work by industry and selected events or exposures leading to injury or illness, private industry, 2020.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020). Fatal occupational injuries by selected worker characteristics and selected event or exposure, All U.S., all ownerships, 2020.