Dose Reconstruction Technical Support Contractor

Support Contractor

Oak Ridge Associated Universities Awarded NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Support Contract

On August 1, 2019, NIOSH awarded a contract to Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) to continue support of our activities under the Act.

Under the new contract, ORAU and its partners, Dade Moeller & Associates, Inc. and MJW Technical Services, Inc. (MJWTS), will continue to provide services to NIOSH in the following areas:

  • Database management;

  • Data collection related to claims and petitions;

  • Evaluation and processing of Special Exposure Cohort Petitions;

  • Dose reconstruction research;

  • Claimant phone calls;

  • Dose estimation and reporting; and

  • Technical and program management support.

About Oak Ridge Associated Universities

ORAU is a group of American universities that works to advance scientific research and education through academic partnerships with national laboratories, government agencies, and private industries.


  • researches health risks from work hazards,

  • assesses environmental cleanup,

  • responds to radiation medical emergencies, and

  • supports national security and emergency preparedness.

Their activities include:

  • radiological surveys,

  • dose reconstruction, and

  • health screening for workers possibly exposed to radioactive material, beryllium, or other toxins.

The ORAU dose reconstruction project team includes Health Physicists, industrial hygienists, scientists, and support staff from all three partner organizations and from several specialty subcontractors. Dade Moeller specializes in occupational and environmental health sciences. MJWTS is a radiological consulting company that provides professional and technical services to the nuclear industry. Please see ORAU’s dose reconstruction project website for more information on the ORAU team.