Technical Review Summaries from the Technical Support Contractor

Technical Review Summaries from the Technical Support Contractor
The Advisory Board conducts technical reviews of various DCAS guidance documents that relate to dose reconstruction. The Board’s technical support contractor assists in the review process. The purpose of the reviews is to assess the scientific and technical quality of the methods used in dose reconstruction. They also help identify any deficiencies that could have a negative effect on the results or the dose reconstruction process. These reviews can be found on the Advisory Board: Reports from the Technical Support Contractor page of our website. When the reviews are complete and all issues have been resolved, the Board prepares a brief summary of the resolutions. These summaries help the public understand the results of the technical reviews.

Note: DCAS was formerly known as the Office of Compensation Analysis and Support (OCAS). The difference in name only indicates a different time period, not a different organization. Both names may appear in the documents on this page.


Dose Reconstruction Implementation Guidelines (IGs) Technical Review Summaries

Dose reconstruction IGs provide basic guidance and methods to help Health Physicists estimate a worker’s exposure to radiation. For example, an IG document may explain how classified information is used or what sources of radiation exposures are included in dose reconstructions. Below are brief summaries of the Board’s technical reviews on these guidelines. Links to the original DCAS guidance document and Board’s technical review appear under the summary, when available.

General Procedure Technical Review Summaries

General procedure documents explain certain processes in the dose reconstruction program. For example, a procedure document may explain how to: conduct a phone call with a claimant, develop technical documents, track claim status, or review dose reconstructions. Below are brief summaries from the Board’s technical reviews on general procedures. Links to the original DCAS guidance document and Board’s technical review appear under the summary, when available.

Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) Technical Review Summaries

Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) contain information on specific technical issues or procedures to estimate radiation exposure. They add to or supplement other technical documents used in dose reconstruction. Below are brief summaries from the Board’s technical reviews on TIBs. The original TIBs that were reviewed and the Board’s original technical review report are listed below, when available. Please note that the most current versions of the original TIBs are on the Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) — Numerical Listing page of our website.