Food Deserts in Texas

Chronic Disease Map Gallery

Key points

Of Texas' 258 counties, 58 counties are considered Food Deserts according to the USDA definition and criteria. The criteria include lack of availability of fresh produce and limited or no presence of large grocery stores (stores with four or more employees). The areas identified as Food Deserts were further analyzed based on health rankings, population below 4,000, and socio-economic rankings. Counties were displayed in subsequent maps based on negative impact of the examined social criteria and their position as a Food Desert. Finally, counties that exhibited negative social impact based on all examined categories and designated as Food Deserts were identified.


Food Deserts in Texas; 2005 and Social Impacts
Food Deserts in Texas

Data sources

ArcGIS 9.3.1

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Landsat 7; Albers Equal Area Projection.

Subsetting; Chloropleth; Remote Sensing.

Crystal Guest; Brittany Bailey; Michelle Cash, Students in the Environmental Spatial Analysis, Environmental Studies majors, Gainesville State College
(678) 524-7435

Food Deserts in Texas; 2005 and Social Impacts Brittany Bailey; Michelle Cash; Crystal Guest, Institute for Environmental Spatial Analysis, Gainesville State College, [TODAY’S DATE]. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.