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Expand AllThis map displays county-level prevalence of high blood pressure and frequent mental health distress in Mississippi, for the years 2018-2020. Counties in the top quintile of prevalence for high blood pressure (47.8-53.0) and frequent mental health distress (19.5 – 21.2) are concentrated in the Delta region. This map also displays county-level death rates for stroke and heart disease in Mississippi, for ages 35 and up for the years of 2018-2020. Counties in the top quintile for stroke mortality (114.5-140.0) were concentrated in the Delta region as well. Counties in the top quintile for heart disease mortality (520.7-732.7) were located throughout the state of Mississippi.
ArcGIS Pro
BRFSS/PLACES; Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke
County-level prevalences of high blood pressure and mental health distress were categorized by quintile and displayed using graduated colors. County-level death rates for stroke and heart disease were categorized by quintile and displayed using graduated colors.
This map will be used throughout the Mississippi Department of Health to provide the program staff with a brief overview of the burden of these diseases in the state.
Kaithlyn Hawkins, Epidemiologist II
Mississippi State Department of Health- Office of Preventive Health
Kaithlyn Hawkins, Epidemiologist II, Mississippi State Department of Health- Office of Preventive Health. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.