Comprehensive Smoke-Free Air Laws for Parishes and Cities in Louisiana, 2020

Chronic Disease Map Gallery

Key points

Louisiana comprehensive smoke-free air laws cover 27% of the population. This is below the national average of 61%.


Comprehensive Smoke-Free Air Laws for Parishes and Cities in Louisiana, 2020
Comprehensive smoke-free air laws for parishes and cities in Louisiana

Data sources

This map displays the 17 Louisiana parishes that have comprehensive smoke-free air laws at the city and parish level in 2020. Rapides Parish has the most comprehensive city smoke-free air laws, with eight, described by graduated symbols. Ten cities have only one city ordinance, and 3 cities have two or three city ordinances. Lafayette and Ouachita are the only two parishes that have comprehensive smoke-free air laws, which are denoted in the map by the lighter shade of green.

The main take-aways from this map are: (1) Only 2 parishes out of 64 have a comprehensive parishes smoke-free air law and (2) 48 parishes do not have a city or county smoke-free air law at all.


Municipalities with local 100% smoke-free laws. American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation

The list of municipalities with 100% smoke-free air laws was created to determine how many comprehensive smoke-free air laws are in the United States. The number of comprehensive city smoke-free air laws in Louisiana was aggregated by parish and mapped using the graduated symbols feature in ArcGIS Pro. The unique values feature was used to show which parishes had comprehensive smoke-air free air laws.

This map will demonstrate to stakeholders where we currently stand with our comprehensive smoke-free work across the state. It will serve as a jumping-off point to measure our progress in the future.

Terence Robinson
Well-Ahead Louisiana

Terence Robinson, Well-Ahead Louisiana. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.